Monday, February 23, 2015

Taking Charge Of Our Academic Progress

Aim: How do we track our academic progress on a daily basis?  

Quick Write: Assess your performance in this class so far using the CCS rubric which you should have in your folder. It also is available under "Resources" on this blog. In other words, have you completed everything you have been asked to complete? Have you exercised critical thinking skills? Have you written clearly and appropriately for your audience? Have you put your best effort into your work? Put your thoughts on your blog.

Today if you haven't already, you will be opening an Engrade account so that you can monitor your own progress in this class on a 24/7 basis. Engrade is also another option for messaging me. You'll have to get the handout from me with your 4-digit access code. If you are reading this from home, email me and I will email you an invitation to open an account.

To create an account, enter your assigned access code and then choose a username/password combination. Write it down someplace safe! Once you have opened your account, you can use your username and password to log in anytime and anyplace to see your up-to-the-minute classroom information on Engrade and/or to message me or other students in the class.

Your access code is:
Crotonaacademy1-student ID#-four digit code

Write down the code exactly, hyphens included.

For those of you who already opened Engrade accounts in the past, you can sign on with your old username and password. If you forgot your password, Engrade will offer you the option of re-setting it.

Students who already have Engrade accounts might volunteer to help those who are new to this electronic gradebook.

If you missed this class or need a refresher on how to sign up and use Engrade, watch this tutorial.

Today's activity: After you have signed on, you will have to send me a message through Engrade to earn your class work points. Explain what if anything is inaccurate and your strategy for using Engrade as a learning tool.

***Don't forget to complete and turn in your "Six Elements of Engagement Daily Self-Tracker" before leaving class.***

What's Due
  • Selfie poster
  • Letter to me
  • First post
  • Essential Questions worksheet
  • Independent reading homework
  • Message on Engrade

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