Thursday, February 5, 2015

Please Write!

Aim: How do we reflect on our own identities? 

Quick Write: Complete the graphic organizer defining the word resonate.

Step 1: After we discuss our worksheets, choose a word that resonates with you. Mine? Resilience.

Step 2: Once you have chosen your word, google a quotation that relates to your word. For example, I googled "quotations related to resilience" and found this: "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."
--Nelson Mandela

Step 3: After you have found your quotation, take a selfie. Using either documents or presentations on Google Drive, create a poster that incorporates your word that resonates for you, your selfie, and your quotation. Don't forget to include your name and the author of the quotation. Share your poster by emailing it to

Wait! You are not done yet! 

Step 4: For those of you new to my classroom, I am requesting you write me a letter. I promise to write back. To see the assignment and my letter to you, click here.
Please submit all work to You will be graded this time merely on learning outcomes and effort.

Step 5: Not so fast, Veterans! You don't have to write me a letter if you have sent me one before, but I want you to create something that reveals something about YOU. It could be a video, a podcast, a PowerPoint, a song. It could be an opinion piece, a story or poem--anything that reveals in some small way what you are about.

Any questions?

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