Monday, February 9, 2015

Welcome to Conformity, Obedience, and Individuality in Literature!

Aim: How do we create a blog so that we can write to learn?  

Do Now: Bookmark this page and write it down because you will be using it each day for classwork and homework.

Welcome to Conformity, Obedience,and Individuality in Literature! 
This semester we will explore some social psychology theories related to group behavior--how we as individuals are influenced for good or for bad by the groups around us. Needless to say, this involves reading, critical thinking, class discussions, and writing. Most if not all of your writing will be published on your own personal blog. To get things going, first examine the drawing above. What do you think it is saying? Do you agree or disagree with its message?

In order to proceed, you will need to create your own blog. Your blog will be your "virtual" portfolio for this course. Do Nows and daily Writing Workshop activities will all be posted on your blog along with any other musings, photos, drawings, or graphics you like. Just remember that you are creating this blog in an academic environment. In order to get some great online discussion going, we also will link all of our blogs together. 

You must have a gmail account for Blogger. If you don't already have a gmail account, create one now. Please give yourself a professional email address that you can use your whole life.

Here are the steps for creating your own blog:
  1. Go to
  2. Under "more" at the top of the page find and click on "blogger."
  3. Sign in on your gmail account to create your own blog.
  4. Click on "Create a blog."
  5. Choose a title for your blog.
  6. Choose a design and template for your blog.
  7. In settings, please be sure to set the time and date for Eastern Standard Time.
  8. Under comment moderation (also in settings), please turn OFF word verification so that I don't have to prove I'm not a robot every time I want to leave a comment on your blog.
  9. Create your profile. (Add a photo if you want.)
  10. When you are done, write your first post: Introduce yourself in your post. Explain a little about yourself, where you live, and what you hope to explore in this course. Be detailed. Finally, write one open-ended question (can't be answered with yes or no or one word) that you have related to group behavior. 
  11. Send an email to with the link to your blog so that I can follow it and share it with the other students in the Conformity in Literature classes.
Congratulations! If you reached this step, you have created your own blog and filed your first post. Don't worry--your design, template and even your first post can be edited. I welcome your comments. (It all counts toward participation!)

****A reminder that you are responsible for completing a selfie poster and sending me a letter (first-time students) or a writing sample. See February 5 post for details.*****

Today's Standards

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.9-10.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.)