Friday, March 6, 2015

Listening to a Podcast

Aim: How do we interpret the results of the Milgram Experiments?

Quick Write: Based on what you have learned so far about the Milgram Experiment, what do you believe motivates people to obey authority? Explain.

A podcast is an audio file that can be found on a website and downloaded onto a media player. Usually podcasts are based around a theme and are released regularly (daily, weekly, monthly). It’s like a radio program, except you can listen to it whenever you want.

Today you’ll listen to a part of a Radiolab podcast.

From the website: “Radiolab is a show about curiosity. Where sound illuminates ideas, and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and human experience.”

Listen to an episode called "The Bad Show" by clicking here.

(Begin at the 8:48 mark and end at the 25:00 minute mark.)

As you listen, pay attention to any new insights you might gain from the conversation.

  • What did you learn about the Milgram Experiments that you hadn’t learned before?
  • What new understandings do you have about humanity?
  • Why do they say the participants were so willing to go all the way in the baseline study?
  • Do you agree that this is the reason?
  • Should we be optimistic about humanity? Do we have the best intentions?

Final Reflection: Address the above questions in at least one well-organized paragraph. In your response, include a direct quotation from the podcast. This means you’ll need to identify what you think is the most important point in the podcast, and copy it down word for word. Write a well-developed paragraph with a topic sentence, supporting details, and a conclusion.

***Don't forget to complete and turn in your "Six Elements of Engagement Daily Self-Tracker" before leaving class.
****Always check Engrade for your up-to-the-minute progress in this class.****

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