Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Human Behavior Experiments Challenge

Aim: How do we demonstrate our understanding and analysis of a human behavior experiment?

Quick Write: Of the four experiments we have studied so far--Asch, Milgram, Darley and Latane, and Stanford--which resonated with you the most? Explain why.

Create a Powerpoint!
(Using Google Drive)

The final project for this marking period and our unit on human behavior experiments is to create a PowerPoint using Google Drive. Your presentation should demonstrate your analysis and interpretation of your selected experiment. It's most important to think about what the experiment you choose to analyze says about human nature.

Step 1: Choose one of the following topics:

  • The Milgram Experiment
  • The Stanford Prison Experiment
  • The Asch Experiment
  • The Darley and Latane experiments
Step 2: Review the experiment that you’ve chosen. Do further research online and find at least two additional text sources. As you’re reading, you are trying to learn more about your particular topic and how it relates to conformity or obedience. You may want to copy and paste (into a Google document) certain sections as you go, or if you prefer, you may choose to print out your sources and highlight/annotate important sections.

Step 3: Using your resources, create a presentation using Google Drive (about 7-10 slides) that can be used to teach your readers about your topic. If you are using information from a website or any source, make sure to put the link or source information at the bottom of each slide. Make sure to include visuals too.

Follow this general outline (it doesn’t have to follow exactly):
  • Slide 1: Title and Author
  • Slide 2-5: Background--What event(s) prompted the experiment? What problem or question was the researcher trying to solve or answer? What was the hypothesis driving the research?
  • Slide 6: How does this relate to conformity or obedience?
  • Slide 7: What were the findings? What can be concluded?
  • Slide 8: How does this connect to other ideas or events you’ve studied, researched or observed?
  • Slide 9-10: What does this say about humanity?
Step 4: Ask a partner to review and proofread your presentation. Share the link on your blog and email it to Congratulations! You are done. We will present our work next week.
The PowerPoint will be graded using the rubric you see by clicking here. It is classified as a project and will be worth 100 points. As a result, it will represent one-third of your grade for the 1st marking period. It is due Friday, March 20.

***Don't forget to complete and turn in your "Six Elements of Engagement Daily Self-Tracker" before leaving class.
****Always check Engrade for your up-to-the-minute progress in this class.****

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