Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Argument Essay Challenge

Aim: How do we establish a claim (strong opinion) about conformity, obedience, crowd manipulation or crowdsourcing?

Quick Write: Select one of the five prompts below. Answer the question as best you can at this point in time.
  • Is crowd manipulation a worthwhile endeavor? (Why or why not?)
  • Is following orders a sign of weakness in character? (Why or why not?)
  • Does the Bystander Effect prove that we are all mostly weak-willed and dumb? (Why or why not?)
  • Is it wrong to manipulate a crowd for your own interests? (Why or why not?)
  • Is conformity a building block of society? (Why or why not?)
Congratulations, Critical Thinkers! You are ready to take on the first essay challenge in this course. Your challenge for this unit on the power of the crowd will be to write an argument essay. Choose an issue or controversy related to conformity, obedience, crowd manipulation or crowdsourcing. Take a strong position on this issue and support it with facts and evidence from the articles, videos, and discussions we have had in class related to these topics. You may also use facts and evidence you gather from outside resources as long as the material relates to conformity, obedience or the power of the crowd.

Those prompts you just reviewed for your quick write? They are among the topics you may choose for your essay. Just remember that a claim is an argument that is p o w e r f u l, unique, and can be supported by evidence. Take a stand! Don't sit on the fence!
Here are the suggested topics once again:
  • Is crowd manipulation a worthwhile endeavor? (Why or why not?)
  • Is following orders a sign of weakness in character? (Why or why not?)
  • Does the Bystander Effect prove that we are all mostly weak-willed and dumb? (Why or why not?)
  • Is it wrong to manipulate a crowd for your own interests? (Why or why not?)
  • Is conformity a building block of society? (Why or why not?)
Or, run your own topic/claim by me. 

Here are some critical questions you should think about as you plan your essay:
  • How do conformity, obedience and crowd manipulation work for the common good?
  • In what ways are groups a good or bad influence on individual behavior?
  • Why are people so influenced by groups?
  • What does this say about human nature?
Argument Essay Guidelines
Write a 750-word essay in which you:
  • Establish a sophisticated, precise and convincing claim, maintaining the focus across the essay. Explain what's at stake. Why is the topic important? 
  • Defend your position with a range of different types of  evidence, facts, and information from the articles and videos  we watched and discussed in class.
  • Include any other research that you may have conducted independently.
  • Draw your own conclusions.

Start with an outline. You may choose to use this graphic organizer to outline your essay.

Here is the rubric by which it will be graded.

*Here's the twist: You may write your essay as a group. Think of all the positive and negative influences groups have on individual behavior. Ironic assignment, isn't it?

**Set up a conference with me if you want to modify (change) the question and/or work independently.**

Discussion Question!!!!
What was the most interesting question or comment you heard today in class? Put your thoughts on the comment section below and earn one extra credit Accountable Talk II point.

What's Due
  • PowerPoint on the human behavior experiments
  • Daily classwork/blog posts
  • Independent reading book
***Don't forget to complete and turn in your "Six Elements of Engagement Daily Self-Tracker" before leaving class.

****Always check Engrade for your up-to-the-minute progress in this class.****

1 comment:

  1. Discussion

    I think the most interesting comment heard in class is that people are just puppets a well as pawns on your undergoing chess game
