Thursday, April 30, 2015

Creating Our Own Prose Poems

Jamaica Kincaid
Aim: How do we create a prose poem in the vein of "Girl"? 

Quick Write: 
Write a level 3 or 4 question based on yesterday's close reading of "Girl."

Today after reviewing the questions and discussion that were generated by "Girl," you will create a prose poem of your own. Think about your own family's expectations for you as a boy or a girl. Think about the literary elements of your poem:

  • What is the setting?
  • From whose point of view is the monologue told?
  • What are the characters like?
  • What is the message (theme) you want to get across to your readers?
  • How should you structure (plot) it?
If you would like support in structuring it, use this prose poem template by making your own copy under "file." 

The poem should be at least one typed page, double-spaced, 12 pt font. It is worth 50 project/test/quiz points. As always, you will be graded on learning outcomes, ideas, writing conventions, and effort. Click here to view the rubric.

Discussion Question!!!!
What was the most interesting question or comment you heard today in class? Put your thoughts on the comment section below and earn one extra credit Accountable Talk II point.

What's Due

  • Argument essays are due!!!! 
  • PowerPoint on the human behavior experiments 
  • Daily classwork/blog posts 
  • Independent reading book 
***Don't forget to complete and turn in your "Six Elements of Engagement Daily Self-Tracker" before leaving class.

****Always check Engrade for your up-to-the-minute progress in this class.****

If you read this far, see me privately for the keen observer award. (Day two.)

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