Monday, April 20, 2015

An Outline on Outlining

Aim: How do we analyze the relationship between claims, reasons, and evidence in an argument essay? (Outlining)

Quick Write: Think about the last argument you had with someone that you are willing to share. Which side did you take and what were your reasons for taking that side?

I. Option #1
You may choose to use this graphic organizer to outline your essay. (Hard copies are available in the classroom.)

II. Option #2
Click here for an interactive persuasion map. This is also available under "Resources" in the righthand margin. Note: The map does not offer a section for counterclaims. You will have to provide for that yourself.

III. Option #3
Click here to see my outline and annotated body paragraph for my argument essay on blind obedience. (Hard copies are available in the classroom.)

Here is the rubric by which it will be graded. 

Click here for the original post on the assignment, rubric and guidelines.

Discussion Question!!!!
What was the most interesting question or comment you heard today in class? Put your thoughts on the comment section below and earn one extra credit Accountable Talk II point.

What's Due
  • PowerPoint on the human behavior experiments
  • Daily classwork/blog posts
  • Independent reading book
***Don't forget to complete and turn in your "Six Elements of Engagement Daily Self-Tracker" before leaving class.

****Always check Engrade for your up-to-the-minute progress in this class.****

If you read this far, see me privately for the keen observer award. (Day two.)

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