Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Girls and Expectations (And Boys, Too)

Aim: How do we conduct a close read of "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid through the lens of conformity?   

Quick Write: 
What if anything are your family's gender-specific expectations of you? In other words, what does your family expect you to be and become in the future based on whether you are a boy or a girl? What do they tell you not to become based on your gender? Explain as best you can.

Read "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid.

Watch this video interpretation of "Girl."

Today's Activity
With a partner or the class, discuss and answer the following increasingly deep questions:

1. Who do you infer is the narrator? Who is he or she speaking to? Support your answer with specific details from the story.

2. Describe at least two specific instructions the narrator gives? Why do you think she gives these instructions?

3. Find the two sentences in the story that are in italics. Why do you think they are in italics?

4. What can you infer about the setting of this story?

5. What tasks or chores does the narrator associate with being a girl? Support your answer with specific details from the story.

6. What behaviors do you think the narrator associates with being a girl? Support your answer with specific details from the story.

7. What is the listener’s reaction to the narrator? What is the narrator’s reaction to the listener?

8. If a girl follows all of these instructions, what kind of person do you think she will become? In what ways could a girl establish her individuality if she follows all these rules?

Next answer your assigned critical question in at least one well-organized paragraph.

1. How do gender expectations relate to conformity?

2. Are gender expectations a good or a bad thing and why?

3. How do gender expectations relate to your own life?

4. Do you conform or not to these expectations and why?
Finally, write your own DOK level 3 or 4 question.

Discussion Question!!!!
What was the most interesting question or comment you heard today in class? Put your thoughts on the comment section below and earn one extra credit Accountable Talk II point.

What's Due

  • Argument essays are due!!!! 
  • PowerPoint on the human behavior experiments 
  • Daily classwork/blog posts 
  • Independent reading book 
***Don't forget to complete and turn in your "Six Elements of Engagement Daily Self-Tracker" before leaving class.

****Always check Engrade for your up-to-the-minute progress in this class.****

If you read this far, see me privately for the keen observer award. (Day two.)

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