Monday, April 27, 2015

In Conclusion

Aim:How do we conclude our argument essays? 

Quick Write: Explain what the consequences might be if society is not convinced by your argument.

If you completed the quick write with no problem, then you have created an important element of your conclusion. In general, your conclusion should have three elements according to this Web site (Click here!!!) 1) It should restate your claim, 2) provide one or two statements summarizing your main reasons or arguments for making this claim, and 3) provide a warning of the consequences that will befall anyone who does not follow your advice. Alternatively, you can explain what great things will happen if your argument is accepted.

Again, the rubric. Click here!!!!

**When you have completed your essay, share it with (Please give me editing privileges.) Also, share the link on your blog but NOT EDITING PRIVILEGES. Don't forget to give your readers context!**

Discussion Question!!!!
What was the most interesting question or comment you heard today in class? Put your thoughts on the comment section below and earn one extra credit Accountable Talk II point.

What's Due
  • PowerPoint on the human behavior experiments
  • Daily classwork/blog posts
  • Independent reading book
***Don't forget to complete and turn in your "Six Elements of Engagement Daily Self-Tracker" before leaving class.

****Always check Engrade for your up-to-the-minute progress in this class.****
If you read this far, see me privately for the keen observer award. (Day two.)

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