Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Introducing Your Claim

Aim: How do we introduce our argument essays? 

Quick Write: Restate your claim on your blog and then explain why you believe this claim is important.

Introductions are perhaps the first thing you draft when writing an essay, but they also should be the last thing you tweak. In other words, don't get all caught up in writing the perfect intro on your first draft. You'll have plenty of time to revise it, and you should as you dive deeper into your argument.

As a refresher, here again is the overview on writing an argument essay. 

Click here for a short video on writing an argumentative essay.

And here is a video on writing your introduction. We will discuss it more in class.

Click here to see a video on writing your introduction.

***Before you leave today you should at the minimum draft your introduction.***

Finally, read below for a review of the guidelines and rubric.

Argument Essay Guidelines
Write a 750-word essay in which you:
  • Establish a sophisticated, precise and convincing claim, maintaining the focus across the essay. Explain what's at stake. Why is the topic important?
  • Defend your position with a range of different types of evidence, facts, and information from the articles and videos we watched and discussed in class.
  • Include any other research that you may have conducted independently.
    Draw your own conclusions.
Again, the rubric. Click here!!!!

Discussion Question!!!!
What was the most interesting question or comment you heard today in class? Put your thoughts on the comment section below and earn one extra credit Accountable Talk II point.

What's Due
  • PowerPoint on the human behavior experiments
  • Daily classwork/blog posts
  • Independent reading book
***Don't forget to complete and turn in your "Six Elements of Engagement Daily Self-Tracker" before leaving class.

****Always check Engrade for your up-to-the-minute progress in this class.****
If you read this far, see me privately for the keen observer award. (Day two.)

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